# save plotting parameters
pm <- par("mfrow")
## =======================================================================
## Difference between x or y a vector/matrix and rasterImage
## =======================================================================
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
x <- y <- 1:3
z <- matrix (nrow = 3, ncol = 3, data = 1:9)
image2D(z, x, y, border = "black")
image2D(z, x, y, rasterImage = TRUE, border = "black")
image2D(z, x = matrix(nrow = 3, ncol = 3, data = rep(x, times = 3)),
y, border = "black")
image2D(z, x, y, border = "black", theta = 45)
## =======================================================================
## shading, light, adding contours, points and lines
## =======================================================================
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
nr <- nrow(volcano)
nc <- ncol(volcano)
image2D(volcano, x = 1:nr, y = 1:nc, lighting = TRUE,
main = "volcano", clab = "height, m")
abline(v = seq(10, 80, by = 10))
abline(h = seq(10, 60, by = 10))
points(50, 30, pch = 3, cex = 5, lwd = 3, col = "white")
image2D(z = volcano, x = 1:nr, y = 1:nc, lwd = 2, shade = 0.2,
main = "volcano", clab = "height, m")
image2D(volcano, x = 1:nr, y = 1:nc, contour = TRUE, shade = 0.5, lphi = 0,
col = "lightblue", main = "volcano")
breaks <- seq(90, 200, by = 10)
image2D(volcano, x = 1:nr, y = 1:nc, col = jet.col(length(breaks)-1),
main = "volcano", clab = "height, m", breaks = breaks)
## =======================================================================
## Contour plots
## =======================================================================
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
V <- volcano - 150
# default, no color key
contour2D(z = V, colkey = FALSE, lwd = 2)
# imposed levels
contour2D(z = V, lwd = 2, levels = seq(-40, 40, by = 20))
# negative levels dashed
contour2D(z = V, col = "black", lwd = 2,
levels = seq(0, 40, by = 20))
contour2D(z = V, col = "black", lwd = 2, lty = 2,
levels = seq(-40, -20, by = 20), add = TRUE)
# no labels, imposed number of levels, colorkey
contour2D(z = V, lwd = 2, nlevels = 20, drawlabels = FALSE,
colkey = list(at = seq(-40, 40, by = 20)))
## =======================================================================
## A large data set, input is an array
## =======================================================================
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
image2D(z = Oxsat$val[, , 1], x = Oxsat$lon, y = Oxsat$lat,
main = "surface oxygen saturation data 2005", NAcol = "black",
clab = c("","","%"))
# images at first 9 depths - use subset to select them
image2D(z = Oxsat$val, subset = 1:9,
x = Oxsat$lon, y = Oxsat$lat,
margin = c(1, 2), NAcol = "black",
xlab = "longitude", ylab = "latitude",
zlim = c(0, 115),
main = paste("depth ", Oxsat$depth[1:9], " m"),
mfrow = c(3, 3))
# images at latitude - depth section - increase resolution
z <- Oxsat$val[, Oxsat$lat > - 5 & Oxsat$lat < 5, ]
image2D(z = z, x = Oxsat$lon, y = Oxsat$depth,
margin = c(1, 3), NAcol = "black",
resfac = 3, ylim = c(5000, 0))
# show position of transects
image2D(z = Oxsat$val[ , ,1],
x = Oxsat$lon, y = Oxsat$lat,
NAcol = "black")
abline(h = Oxsat$lat[Oxsat$lat > - 5 & Oxsat$lat < 5])
## =======================================================================
## Image of a list of matrices
## =======================================================================
listvolcano <- list(volcano = volcano, logvolcano = log(volcano))
image2D(listvolcano, x = 1:nr, y = 1:nc, contour = TRUE,
main = c("volcano", "log(volcano)"),
clab = list("height, m", "log(m)"),
zlim = list(c(80, 200), c(4.4, 5.5)))
## =======================================================================
## Image of a list of arrays
## =======================================================================
if (FALSE) {
# crude conversion from oxsat to oxygen
listoxygen <- list(Oxsat$val, Oxsat$val/100 * 360)
image2D(z = listoxygen,
x = Oxsat$lon, y = Oxsat$lat,
margin = c(1, 2), NAcol = "black",
main = c("Oxygen saturation ", " Oxygen concentration"),
mtext = paste("depth ", Oxsat$depth, " m")
## =======================================================================
## 'x', 'y' and 'z' are matrices
## =======================================================================
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
# tilted x- and y-coordinates of 'volcano'
volcx <- matrix(nrow = 87, ncol = 61, data = rep(1:87, times=61))
volcx <- volcx + matrix(nrow = 87, ncol = 61, byrow = TRUE,
data = rep(seq(0., 15, length.out=61), times=87))
volcy <- matrix(ncol = 87, nrow = 61, data = rep(1:61, times=87))
volcy <- t(volcy + matrix(ncol = 87, nrow = 61, byrow = TRUE,
data = rep(seq(0., 25, length.out=87), times=61)))
image2D(volcano, x = volcx, y = volcy)
# x and y can also be of dimension dim(z)+1:
if (FALSE) {
# tilted x- and y-coordinates of 'volcano'
volcx <- matrix(nrow = 88, ncol = 62, data = rep(1:88, times=62))
volcx <- volcx + matrix(nrow = 88, ncol = 62, byrow = TRUE,
data = rep(seq(0., 15, length.out=62), times=88))
volcy <- matrix(ncol = 88, nrow = 62, data = rep(1:62, times=88))
volcy <- t(volcy + matrix(ncol = 88, nrow = 62, byrow = TRUE,
data = rep(seq(0., 25, length.out=88), times=62)))
image2D(volcano, x = volcx, y = volcy)
# use of panel function
image2D(volcano, x = volcx, y = volcy, NAcol = "black",
panel.first = substitute(box(col = "lightgrey", lwd = 30)))
## =======================================================================
## Image with NAs and logs
## =======================================================================
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
# normal volcano
image2D(volcano, clab = c("height", "m"))
# logarithmic z-axis
image2D(volcano, log = "z", clab = c("height", "m"),
main = "log='z'")
# Including NAs
VOLC <- volcano - 110
VOLC [VOLC <= 0] <- NA
image2D(VOLC, main = "including NAs and rescaled")
# both
image2D(VOLC, NAcol = "black", log = "z", zlim = c(1, 100),
main = "NAs and log = 'z'")
## =======================================================================
## Image with contour specification (alpha sets the transparency)
## =======================================================================
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
image2D(volcano, shade = 0.2, rasterImage = TRUE,
contour = list(col = "white", labcex = 0.8, lwd = 3, alpha = 0.5))
# same:
if (FALSE) {
image2D(z = volcano, shade = 0.2, rasterImage = TRUE)
contour2D(z = volcano, col = "white", labcex = 0.8,
lwd = 3, alpha = 0.5, add = TRUE)
# reset plotting parameters
par(mfrow = pm)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab